The Best Podcast Guest You'll Ever Have
I don't usually brag, but when it comes to interviews, I'm at the top of my game. That means I'll help you deliver a great podcast. Because I’ve been a radio host and the host of my own podcast, I know what it takes to keep the conversation going. In addition, I’m the author of four books, which means I have a lot of stories to tell and information to share—especially when it comes to living your best life. So you never have to worry about me delivering good content.
There’s more.
- Before the interview, I'll listen to at least two of your published podcasts to ensure I understand the tempo and rhythm of your show.
- To help me get to know your audience and ensure that I resonate with them, I’ll read podcast reviews to gain insights. Of course, I’ll read about you to discover common ground. This will help me share real-life stories that inspire and motivate your audience.
- My answers to your questions will be conversational, concise, and on point. I will also be happy, energetic, and sometimes funny.
- For the podcast, I’ll use professional audio and video equipment and a high-speed internet connection.
- I’ll show up as my best self on time and ready to go.
So, if you’re looking for the best podcast guest you’ve ever had, pick me. You’ll be happy you did.
Topics I Talk About
- I’m a certified happiness coach, and one of my favorite subjects is how to be happy. My most recent book, “52 Ways to Be Happy: from the inside out” contains many simple things anyone can do to bring more peace, love, and happiness into their life. No one is happy 100% of the time, but pain and suffering are optional. I love sharing what I know and helping people of all ages and genders make better choices so they can live their best life.
- “Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life” is the title of a book I co-authored just before the pandemic. It encourages women to be active and healthy and to “rage against the dying of the light,” to quote Dylan Thomas. In writing the book, we interviewed various women to learn about their hopes, fears, and what they do to stay productive. As a woman of a certain age, I’m an example of someone who keeps going and I have a lot of stories and tips to share.
Why Your Audience Will Love Me
- I’m very conversational. Although I have an M.A. in Instructional Design, I have a very informal and natural delivery style. When I speak, it’s like having a conversation with a good friend.
- I walk the talk—at least most of the time.
- I encourage people to be curious, optimistic, kind, grateful, honest, respectful,
and much more. - I offer practical tips, tools, and strategies that are easy to implement.
- More than anything, I want to share what I’ve learned and make life for your
guests as well as possible.